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Trust - the currency of leadership

  Here's a lesson I learned relatively late in my career - when it comes to leadership there is only one thing that truly matters - do you have the trust?
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Dysfunctional culture - the reason your product failed

Making products successful is tough. It requires a lot of skill, even more hard work and a great dose of luck. Most importantly it requires everyone to work together and towards the same objective. This sounds obvious but people aspects, or culture, often become the reason your product fails.

Your job title matters

  Earlier I wrote a post about how your job title doesn't matter for doing good product work. However, your job title does matter in different contexts - influence and responsibility.

Your job title doesn't matter

  It doesn't matter if your job is product owner, or product manager, or product leader. Whether it's a business analyst, designer, or engineer. If you care about solving problems for your customers - you are a product person.

You run out of time or money - the reason your product failed

  This is a trivial reason for product failure, but also very common. You have finite resources to achieve product success. If you run out of them before you reach product success - you might not have a second chance.

Insufficient marketing - the reason your product failed

  All of the things contribute to product success. And every thing, however small, could be the reason the product failed.

Wrong solution - the reason your product failed

  We already reviewed some of the most common reasons products fail - there is either no problem worth solving or, often and, when an organisation is not focused enough to solve the problem the right way.

Lack of problem worth solving - the reason your product failed

  Some products are great. Beautifully looking, technically superb, with great marketing. Only one problem - no one is using them. Why? There's no problem worth solving with those products.